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Junior Cert: Human Reproduction

Revison Crossword on Human Reproduction    
Amazing things fetuses do in the womb YouTube. 8 minutes 4 Star
Fetal development YouTube. 4 minutes 4 Star
Conception plus development YouTube. 5 minutes 4 Star
Bill Nye: The Evolutionary Benefits of Sex (Beyond the Obvious) Link bigthink.com 4 minutes  
What happens during pregnancy YouTube. 8 minutes 5 Star
What happens during Sex, Ovulation, Ejaculation, Fertilization? - Steps of a pregnancy? YouTube. 8 minutes 5 Star

How A Zygote Becomes A Baby In One Incredible Animation

From io9.com 4 Star
The menstrual cycle      
Do Periods Actually Make Women Moody? Link PMS is not the same thing as having a period.
YouTube 5 mins via ASAP Science
We’re one of the select few mammals on Earth that menstruate. Why? Link YouTube 5 mins via TED-Ed  
Woman gets pregnant twice in two weeks It's called 'superfetation'. Text-based  
How to use a frog to test if you're pregnant Text-based, from slate.com  
Did you know that heterosexual reproduction is a fringe activity in nature? Blogpost from thesciencebit.net  
1704: Dr Marten’s pregnancy test: look for sea monkeys
Strange but true  
Embryo spent 19 years on ice.
Now, it's a baby.
Two boys, conceived at the same time by the same parents, were born two decades, and two families, apart. Text-based 4 Star
All you ever wanted to know about sperm Song by Garrison Keillor. YouTube 3 mins 4 Star
Breathingearth.net wonderful site for all types of up-to-date information on the Earth and its inhabitants, including no. of people born and died since you opened the site  
Worldmapper.org Looks at size of each country in terms of its population  
Did you know that scientists can now use skin cells to make new lfe? From the BBC website, text-based 5 Star